Fraternity History
Established January 5, 1911 on the campus of Indiana University
Kappa Alpha Psi , a college Fraternity, now comprised of functioning Undergraduate and Alumni Chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout the country, is the crystallization of a dream. It is the beautiful realization of a vision shared commonly by the late Revered Founders Elder Watson Diggs; John Milton Lee; Byron Kenneth Armstrong;Guy Levis Grant; Ezra Dee Alexander; Henry Tourner Asher;Marcus Peter Blakemore; Paul Waymond Caine; Edward Giles Irvin and George Wesley Edmonds.
It was the vision of these astute men that enabled them in the school year 1910 - 11, more specifically the night of January 5, 1911, on the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana, to sow the seed of a fraternal tree whose fruit is available to, and now enjoyed by, college men everywhere, regardless of their color, religion or national origin. It is a fact of which KAPPA ALPHA PSI is justly proud that the Constitution has never contained any clause which either excluded or suggested the exclusion of a man from membership merely because of his color, creed, or national origin. The Constitution of KAPPA ALPHA PSI is predicated upon, and dedicated to, the principles of achievement through a truly democratic Fraternity.
Chartered and incorporated originally under the laws of the State of Indiana as Kappa Alpha Nu on May 15, 1911, the name was changed to KAPPA ALPHA PSI on a resolution offered and adopted at the Grand Chapter in December 1914. This change became effective April 15, 1915, on a proclamation by the then Grand Polemarch, Elder Watson Diggs. Thus, the name acquired a distinctive Greek letter symbol and KAPPA ALPHA PSI thereby became a Greek letter Fraternity in every sense of the designation. In December of 1915 Epsilon chapter was born becoming the first chapter of KAPPA ALPHA PSI.
Founding Members
Epsilon Chapter "Star of the East"
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated, a college Fraternity, now comprised of functioning Undergraduate and Alumni Chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout the world, is the crystallization of a dream. It is the beautiful realization of a vision shared commonly by the late Revered Founders; the most honored and revered being Elder Watson Diggs.
It was the vision of these astute men that enabled them in the school year 1910 - 11, more specifically the night of January 5, 1911, on the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana, to sow the seed of a fraternal tree whose fruit is available to, and now enjoyed by, college men everywhere, regardless of their color, religion or national origin.
The Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered on the evening of Dec 4, 1915, on the campus of Lincoln University. It is said in the history books of Lincoln that the chartering of the Epsilon chapter ended an unhealthy feud and level of competition amongst Greeks on the yard as well as changing the overall atmosphere of the campus for the better.
The most honored and revered founder Elder Watson Diggs rode on a horse and buggy from Bloomington, Indiana to give this chapter his personal and official installation, recognition, and blessing. Thus naming it "The Star of the East."
The Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi is the first chapter on the East Coast as well as the first chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. (Name changed from Kappa Alpha Nu to Kappa Alpha Psi on April 15, 1915) Thus ended the infancy of KAPPA ALPHA PSI, whereupon the Fraternity embarked upon an era of expansion.
After a long hiatus, the Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi has returned to it's home at Lincoln University. With a host of educational initiatives as well as social activities, Kappa Alpha Psi has returned as a premier front runner in the development and growth of the Lincoln University's student body and the surrounding community.
We have hit the ground working for Kappa. And we look forward to continuing the legacy of great Kappa men not only at our chapter but throughout our noble Klan. Thank you for all of your support, and please continue to join us at the "Star of the East!"
Epsilon Nupes
Welcome Spring 2023 initiates to the Epsilon Family
Chapter of the Year 2019-2020, 2020-2021 & 2022-2023
Northeastern Province
On the Yard...
2011 - 2020
2000 - 2010
2011 - 2020
Star of the East Society
The purpose of the SOTES shall be consistent with those contained in the constitution and statues of Kappa Alpha Psi Fratemity, Inc. as follows:
1 . To unite college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in the bond of fraternity
2. To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor
3. To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of members
4. To assist Epsilon undergraduate chapter to achieve their aim and purpose
5. To inspire service in the public interest on the campus and surrounding communities of Lincoln University.
President - LeVelle Alexander
Vice President - Aram Boykin
Exchequer - ?
Secretary - Daine Baker
Sergeant of Arms - Corey Debnam
Membership Chair - Wendell Griffith
Epsilon Polemarch - Jordan Griffin
Vice Polemarch - Mambu Francis
Board Members
Corey Robinson
Keith Garner
Daniel Hardy
Danny Marsh
Damian Bagley
Nurriddin Muhammad